Welcome to the largest event in long-term care this year in Europe!

The 20th International Long-Term Care Conference and the 15th Congress of the EDE are join their events to host the most important conference on long-term care in Europe. We are meeting on 27-29th of September 2017 in Toruń to discuss the topic: “Care home director today and tomorrow. Pressure, concessions, compromises and solutions”. Please join us to discuss the matters vital to our business, establish new connections and learn about the trends.

Over 1.000 European home care directors and experts will come to Toruń to join the discussion, share their experience and stablish new networks. Save the date and do not miss the opportunity to participate in this unique event!

 While Europe is growing older, its societies face a difficult challenge of building effective care systems for the dependent people. This task lies with the national governments, yet its execution belongs to the entire community engaged in improving the European long-term care: non-governmental organizations working in this field and socially responsible business.

Managers of long-term care facilities face new challenges as the environment changes and the needs of the system beneficiaries grow. How to prepare for the future and increase the management efficiency? This is the key question that we will try to answer in Toruń, in 2017.

We believe that knowledge, cooperation and the exchange of experiences are the base for improving the quality of care. In the spirit of shared responsibility for the dependent citizens of Europe, aspiring to integrate a circle of professionals as wide as possible, we organize a joint undertaking:

15th EDE Congress and 20th International Long-Term Care Conference.

We believe that by means of cooperation we multiply the chances to fulfill our shared objectives.

Come and join us

Jiří Horecký Grażyna Śmiarowska Wacław Kerpert Jarosław Józefowicz
President E.D.E. President PSLTC President PAOMSWHP President and CEO of TZMO
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